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El estudio de las emociones en el ámbito laboral


018Josefina Ramírez Velázquez

La violencia y agresión en el lugar de trabajo observada por algunas compañías de seguros sugiere que el estrés puede ser una causa y efecto, mientras algunos estudiosos consideran que la hipótesis de la frustración – agresión puede ser explicada al articular el estrés y las conductas agresivas en el trabajo pues varios resultados de investigación norteamericana están evidenciando la relación existente entre frustración, estresores laborales, (tales como ambigüedad del rol, conflicto de rol, conflicto interpersonal) y, agresión interpersonal, sabotaje, y hostilidad (Chen y Spector, 1992; Spector, 1997), e incluso han hecho pensar en la relación existente entre estresores de trabajo y reacciones emocionales como el enojo (Houston y Kelly, 1989).

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Estresadas, deprimidas o embrujadas. O de cómo un grupo de operadoras telefónicas se representa su malestar laboral actual


017Josefina Ramírez Velázquez

The Research on stress conducted on a group of phone operators departs from the assumption that these women reasoning on their physical and/or emotional state is based on their bodies suffering but mainly on the significance of social, cultural and ideological relationship that determine their logic rationality. This paper places emphasis on the phone operator’s narrative itself in looking at the expression of their self representations of stress. It keeps a permanent transformation between the biomedical knowledge and the common sense coming from different sources. Although the biomedical notions are expressed as real, besides other logical explanations on a second plane. These are less for the purpose of giving a more objective view of sickness.

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El estrés laboral desde la perspectiva sociocultural


016Josefina Ramírez Veázquez

This essay briefly presents the development of the construction of stress as anthropology study object. The main objective is to show how, from anthropology perspective, the disease concept considers a double knowledge dimension: one emerging from biomedical professions -disease anad body are thought as universals and analyzed from their biological nature-; and another from a socio-cultural perspective highlighting the socially produced and culturally constructed nature of disease, thus signifying and representing. Interest in stress as anthropology study object focus in unveiling the experience and meaning of people admitting stress suffering, loking forward undertanding about stress processes.

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Riesgos y daños a la salud derivados del uso de videoterminal


015Silvia Tamez González
Luis Ortíz Hernández
Susana Martínez Alcántara
Ignacio Méndez Ramírez

Objective.  To evaluate the association between videodisplay terminal (VDT) use and health hazards, occupational risks, and psychosocial factors, in newspaper workers. Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 1998 in a representative sample (n=68) drawn from a population of 218 VDT operators in Mexico City. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Data were confirmed by performing physical examinations. The research hypothesis was that both the current and cumulative use of VDT are associated with visual, musculoskeletal system, and skin illnesses, as well as with fatigue and mental or psychosomatic disorders. Occupational health hazards were assessed (visual problems, postural risks, sedentary work, computer mouse use, excessive heat, and overcrowding), as well as psychosocial factors related to work organization (psychological demands, work control,
and social support). Prevalence ratios were adjusted for confounding variables like age, sex and schooling.

Results. Women were more likely than men to have upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), dermatitis, and seborrheic eczema. VDT use was associated with neuro-visual fatigue, upper extremity MSD, dermatitis, and seborrheic eczema. Computer mouse use and postural risks were significantly associated with health problems. Psychosocial factors were mainly associated with mental problems, psychosomatic disorders, and fatigue.

Conclusions. Intense useof video screens has been found to cause musculo-skeletal disorders of the hand. The diversification of tasks and control of labor processes itself had a protective effect against psychosomatic disorders and pathological fatigue.

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Enfermedades profesionales: nuevos desafíos en su prevención


014António de Sousa Uva

Según estimaciones de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (ILO, 2005) mueren 5.000 trabajadores por día por enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo. Las enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo, (UVA y GRAÇA, 2004) engloban situaciones de accidentes de trabajo, enfermedades profesionales, «la enfermedad relacionada con el trabajo» y enfermedades empeoradas por el trabajo. En todas las situaciones patológicas, los factores profesionales contribuyen, de alguna manera, a la etiología o el empeoramiento de las enfermedades (EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK, 2004).

A pesar de la perspectiva que toma el trabajo como causa de muerte o sufrimiento, el trabajo ha presentado a lo largo de toda la historia de la Humanidad un papel de trascendente importancia abarcando cerca del 45{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} de la población (OMS, 1995; UVA y FARIA, 2000). Se trata de un importante número de individuos que trabajan, ocupando, de esta forma, una parte considerable de su vida adulta en actividades profesionales muchas veces poco interesantes y poco gratificantes y no siempre exentas de riesgo para su salud y seguridad (UVA, 1998).

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La paradoja del trabajo. Un mundo de pérdida y ganancia que refiere el estudio del estrés con un grupo de operadoras telefónicas.


013Josefina Ramírez Velázquez

Desde hace varias décadas en México se ha generado un proceso de transformación constante hacia la modernización. Numerosas instituciones sociales -privadas y estatales- han generado dicho proceso de cambio a través de la implantación de nuevas tecnologías, provocando cambios en los procesos de trabajo y en el orden social. En este sentido, la telefonía no ha sido la excepción.

Teléfonos de México, una de las empresas de comunicación más importante del país, y hasta hace algunos años la única, tiene una historia económica, política y social cuyas transformaciones no sólo han dado la cara a la modernidad de nuestro país, sino también pone de manifiesto una historia del conjunto de trabajadores que han experimentado, en lo positivo y negativo, tales cambios.

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Mobbing in the workplace


012Susana Martínez Alcántara

This paper discusses the term “moral harassment”, or mobbing, and its overlapping with other related terms, all of which have to do with the concept of harming another person in some way. New results from the past fifteen years on this age-old problem of human interaction are presented. Recent attention to the phenomenon of moral harassment is likely related to increased recognition of the harm and damages it causes to workers’ health, and the associated costs in economic and social terms. As a consequence, legal provisions have been enacted, particularly in more developed countries with the capacity to carry out research in the area. In Mexico, research at universities and workplaces on this hidden problem which affects workers’ physical and mental health is only beginning.

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Necesidad de estudios y legislación sobre factores psicosociales en el trabajo


011Susana Martínez Alcántara
Araceli Hernández Sánchez

El estudio de los factores psicosociales y su repercusión en la salud de los trabajadores, ha venido cobrando relevancia sobre todo en la última década. Mantienen una relación estrecha con la manera en que se organiza el trabajo y sus manifestaciones más evidentes guardan relación con el estrés y su repercusión en la salud mental de los trabajadores. La depresión, la ansiedad crónica, la desmotivación, los problemas del sueño y de fatiga, además de fenómenos novedosos como el burnout, el mobbing y el karoshi, son sólo algunas de las consecuencias en la salud además de las pérdidas económicas y sociales, según reportes de la Unión Europea. En México no están reconocidos por la legislación mexicana y algunos otros como el burnout y el mobbing apenas empiezan a estudiarse.

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Participatory Research as Social Practice, and Its Contribution to the Workplace Through Worker Models.


010Susana Martínez Alcántara

Participatory research, also known as “actionoriented research” has made valuable theoretical and methodological contributions that allow us to explore and transform different social contexts: in health, education, communities, communication processes and the labor sector, among others. Its underpinnings allow thoughtful reflection on different practices by social groups, the generation of new knowledge and the acquisition of a new status for both the researcher as well as the group being researched, since both contribute to the generation and sharing of knowledge, and it includes the intent of changing practices to the benefit of a collective, as a way of achieving both immediate and long-term objectives. The articulation of actionoriented research goes through a process of recovering its enormous epistemological, political, ideological and ethical value. One example of participatory research is the Italian Worker Model, which has been implemented, at different times in history, in diverse workplaces and in different social contexts. Its use in some countries makes it still viable, although current social, political and economic conditions indicate the need to develop new proposals that allow, under the framework of participatory research, the generation of a new model
that is responsive to these new realities.

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Burnout, Karoshi, Mobbing: Fenómenos psicosociales del trabajo.


009Susana Martínez Alcántara
Araceli Hernández Sánchez

Burnout, mobbing and karoshi are new psychosocial phenomenas closely related to workplace stress, that is generated by the interaction between work overload and the realtionships established by workers with their colleagues, superiors, and others (clients, patients, students). There is an urgent need to study the problem further due to its negative consequences for workers’psychophysical stability. Few studies of these disorders have been undertaken in Mexico. We document the extent of the problem using data from the European Union, describing its importance, it cost, and the legal measures wich have been implemented for revention of these disorders in EU contries.

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