InicioRecientePresentismo y su Relevancia para la Salud Ocupacional en Chile

Presentismo y su Relevancia para la Salud Ocupacional en Chile

Presentismo y su Relevancia para la Salud Ocupacional en ChileOscar Arteaga
Aldo Vera
Claudia Carrasco
Gustavo Contreras

Universidad de Chile
Fundación Científica y Tecnológica de la ACHS

To be present at work but not fully functional due to a disease or health conditions has been called Presenteeism. This paper discusses this concept and makes an analysis focused on Occupational Health. In the Chilean social security system, work absenteeism and, more specifically, work absenteeism mediated by a medical leave has been an important subject of controversy. However, the condition of being physically present at the workplace without being in adequate conditions for performing well has not received attention from labor, academic and political sectors of the country. This contrasts sharply with the trend observed at global level due to the impact on productivity resulting from this situation. To be present at work but not fully functional due to a disease or health conditions has been called Presenteeism in English world literature. In this article, a conceptual and operational analysis is made that seeks to generate an interest in its study in Chile.

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