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Prevalencia del síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (SQT) (burnout) en maestros mexicanos.

025Sara Unda Rojas
Jorge I. Sandoval Ocaña

The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of burnout among 698 teacher’s sample. The “Spanish Burnout Inventory” education professionals version (SBI-Ed) was used. The prevalence was determined by the procedure of reference points at the original frequency response scale. It was found that 3{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} of the participants showed low Enthusiasm toward the job, 37.40{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} had high levels of Psychological exhaustion, 4.70{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} showed high levels of Indolence, and 9.70{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} high levels of Guilt. Men showed lower levels of Enthusiasm toward the job and Psychological exhaustion than women. Regarding to age, the highest level of burnout was found in the category of 41-50 years old.

Necessity of efforts to prevent health damage in educational workers was concluded

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