InicioRecienteResiliencia y el modelo de Burnout-Engagement en cuidadores formales de ancianos

Resiliencia y el modelo de Burnout-Engagement en cuidadores formales de ancianos

Menezes, V.,
Fernández, B.,
Hernández, L.,
Ramos, F. &
Contador, I.

Resilience and the burnout-engagement model in formal caregivers of the elderly. This paper investigates the relationship between resilience and positive/negative mental aspects of psychological wellbeing in formal caregivers for the elderly. The sample consisted of 265 caregivers who work in different residential homes in Extremadura and Castilla y León (Spain). The instruments used included the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. The most significant findings show that caregivers with higher levels of resilience also have higher levels of professional efficacy and job engagement (vigor, dedication and absorption) and appear to be less emotionally exhausted or cynical than caregivers with lower levels of resilience. It cannot be concluded that more resilient caregivers will not get burned out, but they develop better engagement skills. As they strengthen these personal attributes, they become less vulnerable to burnout.

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